Wednesday, August 27, 2014

E3 2014

I may as well start off my first real entry with the elephant in the room. The absolutely despicable, misleading, and blatantly incorrect five minute long video Yahtzee released for E3 2014.

Well, to be more specific, it's the last minute or so that I have issue with. And looking through the comments on the video, I'm not exactly alone in my opinion.

It's not exactly a secret that there's been a bit of a dissonance between what makes the fans excited and what makes the press excited. While fans are much more interested in new games to play, the press is primarily interested in making money off of ad revenue.

Which, as you all know, is why the observers of E3 almost universally agreed that Nintendo had by far the best showing at the conference, while they were absolutely blasted by the press at large. There's quite a few reasons for this, namely that Nintendo Directs are quickly making sites like IGN redundant, The way they talked, you would think the only fascinating thing shown was Smash, and maybe Mario Maker. Splatoon in particular was swept under the rug by the press, while becoming absolutely huge with the fanbase the instant the trailer finished playing.

In his own way, Yahtzee is no different than the rest of the press. He knows his audience wants to see him slam Nintendo, so that's what he does, regardless of whether or not it makes sense to do so. He only mentions five games at the conference, and glazes over what they actually are: he dismisses Splatoon in a sentence.

You can bet on Yahtzee making a huge deal about how much he hates Smash 4, by the way. His Brawl review is still his most viewed video, last time I checked, and he's been very vocal since then about how he hates fighting games. I wouldn't be surprised if he reviewed the game twice, just for more views and exposure.

So yeah, on the whole, the video is not informative, not accurate, and is most certainly not very funny.

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