Sunday, September 14, 2014

So is 'GamerGate' dead?

There's been a lot of talk in the community about what to do next. It's an open secret that the movement has been splintering since the story broke. People simply cannot decide what to do with the information. We have the (thankfully very few) people who have spent their time harassing Zoey, we have the people who want the gaming industry to reform, and then you have people like me, who sees this entire fiasco as a fantastic example of everything that is wrong with the modern gaming industry.

With public figures like Boogie2988 and Mundane Matt and JonTron officially making up with Tim Schafer (Who, by the way, still found the time to be a dick when accepting the apology) It seems likes GamerGate is finally coming to a close.


The simple fact of the matter is that this whole affair opened up a huge can of worms that just happened to be picked up by the general public. Namely, now that we know what we are looking for, we can better combat it when it rears it's ugly head in the future.

Personally, I would call this a victory for the public. We uncovered a whole host of information that they did not want us to know about, and have linked that information to everything wrong in the industry.

As much as I really don't like the gaming media, this is probably the best we could have hoped for... at the moment. It's only a matter of time until something else comes to light that shows these people for what they really are. Corruption is a huuuuuuge part of their business. They won't give it up so easily!

Now, I'm going to have some ice cream and have some fun playing my Wii U. See you guys later.

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