Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tim Schafer is a douchebag

Yep... another GamerGate post. Yeah, maybe I should start another blog dedicated to just this. The rabbit hole keeps on going and going and going...

As many of you know, Tim Schafer has been a very vocal opposer of those advocating for people to go into the GamerGate fiasco with an open mind. He thinks that there's no discussion to be had here, the gaming industry is perfectly fine the way it is. He's attacked JonTron, promoted Anita Sarkeesian's videos, and denounced GamerGate has being 'dead.' 

He's just a man with an opinion, right? It's not like he's being PAID by these people or anything...

Oh. Whelp... That certainly puts a damper on things, doesn't it?

 I've actually been thinking that something like this was going on behind the scenes ever since the whole JonTron thing went down... but I thought that it would be about Psychonauts 2, not some thing that nobody cares about.

Tim is a sell out, plain and simple. He promotes Sarkeesian, uses her connections to get his games funded, and then bitches on Twitter when people see a problem with this.

Anyway, I'm sure the new InternetAristocrat video will shed a bit more light on  how this all ties together. I'm kind of lost, to tell you the truth. There's some talk in the community about racketeering, which... I'm not even sure what that means, but apparently it's illegal as fuck. I think it involves something called... the Indiecade? If anyone could tell me what this is about, please go on ahead.

Zoey Quinn also doxxed Eron, her ex, apparently. Also illegal.

Hm. What else...? Well, I'd like to end this with a notice that GamerGate isn't JUST a journalistic issue. With people like as Tim, it becomes a development issue as well. People are being paid to develop and promote games in order to fit their agenda. The indie scene has been showing it's true colors over the past few weeks, and let me tell you... it's not pretty. Not at all.

I, however, am still having fun playing real games, and you should too! Hyrule Warriors is excellent.


  1. Thanks!

    This really is a disgusting practice. I'll be sure to keep on eye on this.

  2. I made a video about Tim Schafer's behaviour and what it leads to.
